Wednesday, December 31

crazy as I am

Of the pages I frequent, Ciclops remains of the best when looking for information on the Cassini mission. Site always has a way of including the best pics with text easily understood. A wealth of knowledge and information. That being said...

Imagine, if you could, the gas giant Saturn, through a freak of nature (or simply the natural way of the universe) burst into flames, hot flames, as a thermonuclear explosion; rather than poof, becomes a star .... the some 64 moons are now miniplanets, the ring system becomes the asteroid belt. There, we now have a inner-system solar system (stole this idea from Arthur Clarke but he used jupiter as the star/planet)
or plan b) take the internal heat of the planet, meaning there is compression in action. Saturn in the not so emediate future (talking 10's of thousands of years) solidifies into a terrestial planet rather than a gas giant...
theory: as all the gas giants (jupiter, saturn, uranis, neptune) having rings; all the gas giants have a moon with Enceladus properties as in giant giesers feeding said rings
I see stars...
note that was taken from 2001: a space odyssey

my imagination is getting away from me now

ever seen a japanese beetle? and ... do you agree with me all; I said all insects look like space ships... home could be Enceladus?

mind has totally run amok, I better stop now...

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