Wednesday, December 30

Why is it...

So, I'm just sitting minding my own, playing guitar or something. Wife walks in (now x) and in an angry tone, as if nothing matters other than the answer to her question, "Why is it so dark in here?" I hadn't really noticed, but come to think it was a bit darker than I was used to in the afternoon. Still wife (now x) is grumbling, obviously unhappy with the situation, its so dark, its not usually this way, there needs to be more light.... On and on, so setting the guitar down, I say, "so turn on a light or 2." Then it dawned on me... "Hey hun, there is a solar eclipse today."

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Anonymous said...

She, your exwife, still visits you?
Just friends is ok, or friends who like to have fun together still, but don't want to live with each other, still good!

Neo said...

oh no no no... x wife has been x for 12 or so years, we pass ways a few times but no friendship exists, I sorta wish it did but she is off to what ever no good she can do, same here, I just wish I could for once find the girl that loves me and wants to keep loving me, for all my faults that are with everyone, no one is perfect (thought she was so we had a kid together)