Thursday, March 19


Was about 04, I lost my job, then my new car, and was homeless. Not roofless thanks to some friends I had. All my stuff was tied up in a storage unit I could not afford to pay the bill on. Unfortunately I lost my stuff, had to essentially start over. There were quite a few items in that storage unit that could not be replaced. Several of those were a small antique book collection. An old copy of the Boy Scout Handbook, an old Bible my dad had when he was a kid and an American History text book which referred to WWI as "The Great War". It had been published before WWII. Not having the book in front of me I can't look to see but I believe the last publish date on the text book was 1919. I found much interest in the text book as it was printed before the Great Depression, and before much of the past that could be even remotely "modern".

In that vast array of stuff I lost was my collection of college books, accounting, psychology, and a few soft cover books I needed for my English classes.

Also lost was the copper bucket (1 gallon I think) that was presented to me by my dad as my "chicken shit bucket". This too was an antique (my mom picked it up some years before) Chicken shit falls in under the statement "don't sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff"

My "Chicken Shit Bucket" looked like this.

there is more to this post, I am out of time, but will continue ...

CS, the concept that did get me through my homeless venture.


The Jules said...

I'm generally of the opinion that material things aren't particualrly important (except my ukulele), but it's hard to be too unsentimental about stuff that was given to you by someone you love, isn't it?

psyconym said...

Souns like a tough call. I voted myself homeless once. That was dumb of me.

Neo said...

Jules, I see things that way too, the things mentioned in the post are about all I really miss of the stash that was in the unit, just a few small little keep sakes I wanted to keep.

Psyconym- hear that, not something I would volunteer to do.