Thursday, September 24

Lawns and more lawns

Ok- about my profession, yea I'm good at what I do. Its really not so difficult. Just do the job the way the job is supposed to be done. Then you can get some decent results. Now the lush green is the fertilizer, and it should be obvious this lawn receives weed control.
This is not just a random "good job" lawn on my route, most of the lawns on my route look about like this one looks. Of course I can't take all the credit for this, the customer does their part and mother nature does hers. Here in the midwest (Cincinnati Oh) the weather this summer has been great. Only one day above 90*f and most summers bring that kind of heat, with high humidity mid June through the first couple of weeks in September. This year was reasonable in temperature and humidity. Might say it was a perfect turf season this year.
Just a bit of 'fall' on this lawn. A few leaves have hit the ground but you will notice that the color is still the lush green, and no weeds here either.

To think it was just a couple years ago it was so hot and humid here in Cincinnati most lawns, the ones with out sprinkler systems mainly, were not nearly this nice looking. It was the year of brown, the weeds couldn't even survive.

So anyway, I just thought you might like to see some of my work

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angelzwild said...

That's hot! Are you dry yet?

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