Monday, September 27

fact and fiction

Now this is an interesting shot of both Dione and Rhea; two of the moons of Saturn. Dione, at the top of the image is closer to the spacecraft than Rhea. The image below is another Mutual Event, when a moon passes near another moon. Tethys and Dione are in the lower image. 
     Sorry for the delay, I was looking for a page to tell me how many moons Saturn has. I thought I remembered it to be 64 including several that have been recently discovered by Cassini. Sources tell me the number is 60 with several yet to be named. Taken for what it is worth... Read more here. What can you really believe? Take for example this page, The name of Earth's moon is not Moon, it is Luna. So you're telling me the internet is what our kids are learning from? It does make one think doesn't it? 

Dione, at the top of the image is closer to the Cassini Probe than Rhea.  

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