Sunday, February 27

The Accordian Factor

They treat the dead better than this... Yes, accidents do happen, when its someone else, you think "Poor soul." Then its your turn, I have never been treated with less attention. My car was hit in the back end. Thankfully only property damage, I was  shaken but not seriously injured.  The police (serve and protect?) Took my license, for info I am sure, nothing was said to me, not even fuck you. The driver that hit me was very apologetic, just a driver making a mistake. Its the insurance company that I am really pissed at, oh and the Deer Park Police. The cop (lucky I refer to him with that much respect) "car will need to be towed, should we just call... can I have your license?" Nothing was said to me until the cop brought me my license; as he handed it back he said, "You're free to go". Standing there at the side of the road, my little car crushed into an accordion. Thankfully the tow truck driver was a nice guy. He gave me a ride to the tow yard, I was able to use their phone, called a few (including but not limited to my insurance agent) and after a whole big ordeal was allowed to drive one of the used cars home.
Practically 20 hours later, I have still not heard from the other drivers insurance agent, the police have disappeared, my Green Monster (Ford Probe) sits in a junk yard and I am spitting bullets.      Now has been 48 hours and still no word on what is being done, if anything is being done to take care of the damages. I do realize it is the weekend, but accidents happen at anytime, insurance should be ready act and act quickly, or at least respond. A simple phone call would be fine; just to let me know they are aware of and plan to cover the damages.  I would smile on a check for $4000, like that's ever gonna happen. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad...poor little Probe. (I used to own it's red cousin.) On Monday morning I would be on the phone your insurance company finding out when the appraiser/estimator will be done (TODAY) and when you will be receiving a check. Feel your pain, "Neo". I hate accidents, escpecially when it's not your fault because it is a HUGE inconvenience to you. Hang in there, Dude.

Catie V.