Tuesday, December 31

Happy old year??

So, just like the sorting of inventory in a fast food freezer, out with the old, in with the new. Rotating inventory. Of course, the year pictured is the one going out, rather than the new one coming in, he gets too much attention. So this post will concentrate on the old going out rather than the new coming in. Are you sad to see it go...or was it a rough year and you are glad to see it go? Little of both here, sad to see it go, as it had many bright points, glad to see it go as there was greif and pain in the old year. I do always look forward to the new year, hoping it will be better. Here's to wishing you a happy new year, and good memories for the old one going out. 

1 comment:

Douglas said...

It's just an arbitrary day (New Year's Day) to keep track of the time we waste... a bit like birthdays.