Saturday, November 15

easy project

I remember years ago in middle school; I was taking a home ec class.  Being the only male in the class and just shy of 'wanting a girl friend' I felt a bit odd.  So any way project day came up and I decided to make a stuffed animal. I went to the sewing supply store and got what I needed.  This project took me one day to make.  Oh I should mention I had .09 credit hours short of a major in industrial arts, home ec was just iceing on the cake.  Starting with the project inside out it was rather simple, just sew closed the 3 sides of a yellow fur. Tie off the last stitch, turn it right side in and fill it with stuffing; the hardest part of this project was to sew closed the 'butt' end. 1 hour later, I had made myself a tribble!

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