Wednesday, November 26

just playing around

Glad to see you all again. Been messing around with this new Operating System as you should know (follow my posts) Since I started in computers I have been working in Windows XP. Learned alot in a little time, not just worthless knowledge either (if there is such a thing). Linux came in the picture and I thought why should I; XP is great. That was before the greedy Bill Gates kept taking everyones money by "updating" windows. Windows 98, a good os pretty easy to operate, then came the se version of that, was really good, didn't crash so much and let you open more programs at one time. Installing was a bit of a hastle though, all the dos you needed to know. Well then came XP easy to install just a disk restart and it prompts you along, "what do you want to do?" Then comes greed, all the different versions, 6 I think it was from basic, home, Pro, Server and so on. Now comes Vista, another 6 versions and Windows 7 same thing, different name, so on and so on. Linux, yes lots of different versions; all free. Ubuntu is the one I am working with and it is getting easier to get the feel. I still do like the XP Professional version but as I hear its not going to be supported for much longer. No more security updates leaving the user vulnerable to all the sharks out in Cyberspace. Been reading, needing knowledge. Do I need an anti virus on this Linux? where do I find this and all that. Linux is a very secure system, asks me my pass word often and I am reading Linux is not likey to be infected with a virus. I am really enjoying this experience. Did I mention its free?

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