Tuesday, February 2

just hangin around

well I never meant that to be, (screen shot of screen shot) but it is what it is.
Now this is a shot of one of my favorite blogs.
I know she doesn't write alot but thats ok... I want her to be happy, so I opened a blog page for her a while ago... back to the beginning of my blogging days. Guess would be that some are just not into writing and well... 
I enjoy writing, and try to find a way to get some point across, in a meaningful and interesting way.

I am getting back into that screen shot thing...lol
Now I am sure you know my passion for computer and organization. I look at these shots and I see more tool bar than needed, but it does the job for me, I try to work with as few tool bars as I can. Please remove that yahoo tool bar. But mainly I am just talking to be talking so you can see what my computer screen looks like. I'm an idiot like that some times, and I wanted to show off MsNeo's blog too.

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